Fluid Dates

Hey all – I have heard from some of you that there’s just so much going on in personal life as well as in the world. (Here too!) I would like to propose we have FLUID DUE DATES for the rest of the term. That means work on things as you can without the pressure of what is due next. BUT – everything must be in by the last day of class. I want you all to enjoy your explorations of the class resources and ideas …and enjoy working on the assignments in whatever creative fashion you would like.

Think of it as an extension on everything! Nothing will be counted late!

Watch for this on our weekly posts:

➡️➡️➡️ FLUID DUE DATES are in effect. Use assignment due dates as a guideline but take the time you need to do creative and enjoyable assignments. Note: everything must be in by the last day of class.

If you would rather stick to the dates on our schedule, that is just fine too.

Image: This store window in Edinburgh last year brought me joy.

15 thoughts on “Fluid Dates

  1. Jennifer Crain

    Thanks- all 4 of the classes I am currently taking (and another starts next week) have stuff due this weekend…. finished 2 of the 4, but still appreciate if we ned more time, take it. (But OCD me may not!)

  2. Caroline

    SO MUCH appreciate this, especially as I’m heading down to ALA this weekend. Thank you so much for this flexibility @michael. I’ll still aim to make the target due dates, but the fluid dates definitely ease my current stress level.

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