Hello! I made you a video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gk1u47fgimtiylayaz2wa/FA-2024-Shout-Out.mp4?rlkey=0wt6d2mifj38cjjksnu2368hz&st=e9omgorc&dl=0 Wishing you the best! ❤️ Update – Zoom really did a number on the video quality! Apologies!
Author Archives: Michael Stephens
Addendum: #hyperlib Engagement – Cheers!
Hey all – I just updated the grade book with 10 points for all for Participation. This group has been amazing and we made it through a still unsettled world semester. I reviewed everyone’s activity and realized it was cohesive and encouraging atmosphere from the get go. Yes, we had some ups and downs as […]
I ❤️ This
https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_y2QUo4M2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link “Inclusion leads to a change in communication and attitude towards our patrons. If we emphasize inclusion, everyone that walks into the library receives the same high-level of care and a positive attitude from library employees. No matter if it’s a patron’s worst day or their best day, they can come to the library and […]
Inspiration: Kindness Machine! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
From last year – This was brand new to me and I love it! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cj21-AsgWJF/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D
HEY ALL – I am taking a break from INFO 200 research papers to look at symposium entries and can I just say: “Your work is AMAZING!” Thank you.
A Future Librarian’s Promise
Note from Michael – Carlie was a WISE student taking the Hyperlinked Library awhile ago. Carlie wrote this post as part of her course blogging and we shared it at my blog. I thought I would share with you all as we wind down. I’ve been reflecting on what kind of librarian I wish to become, and […]
Tomorrow & Sunday: Hyperlinked Library End of Term Chats
Hyperlinked Library End of Term Chat – I’ll be in the Zoom room for 30 minutes or so each day. #hyperlib End of Class Social Time Saturday December 7, 2024 01:00 PM PT – Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/84841924110?pwd=hGwXkkz6BPHsfFTjaQ4FTdvj2Urb2M.1 Password: 788929 #hyperlib End of Class Social Time Sunday December 8, 2024 […]
20 Must Know Tips to Acing Your Zoom Interview
Another from UX Matt. Super useful ideas for those interested. (Update – Dr. Hale has moved into the UX research sector)
Kudos on Your Reflection Blogging
Hey all – I have had the most enjoyable few days reading your blogging. I am dipping into your learning posts as part of grading and I so appreciate your thoughts on how infinite learning can be at the library! I am so enjoying all of your work, ideas and the creative turns you are […]
UPDATED DATE: Housekeeping: Take Your Blog With You!
UPDATE: Our school IT staff have to do critical updates before the 21st. Please export your blog by Sunday, December 15th. NOTE: Make sure you follow these instructions and pay attention to the dates below. You’ve worked so hard over the past semester – don’t let that content just disappear!