Debriefing Assignment X

Hey all – I am thrilled with all the AXs I have graded so far. If you have not submitted your URL to Canvas please do!

I would be interested in any thoughts you had about the assignment: what could be changed, added, etc.

4 thoughts on “Debriefing Assignment X

  1. Alana Otis

    I was a bit nervous at first with Assignment X since it was the first assignment and was shared on our blogs for the community, but I felt better once it was created. I liked getting feedback early on to help guide us for future work. I found the instructions and the exemplars very helpful. The instructions and rubric were clear without being restrictive.

    One small suggestion may be to change the second bullet in requirements to note that both connection to course materials and further research beyond course content is required or add it as a separate bullet. The course materials requirement is in the rubric, but it may help to have it stated a bit earlier as well.

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