Month: June 2024

Michael Casey Class Chat Scheduled

Reminder June 30:  Michael Casey, author of one of our foundational texts and Director of Customer Experience for the Gwinnett County Public Library in metropolitan Atlanta, will join us at 1pm PT. We’ll talk a bit about his libraries and answer any questions you have, etc.Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 036165

AI & Academic Integrity

Hey all – I follow the Professors sub reddit and the uptick in posts from educators all over regarding student use of AI in class writing is off the charts.  I have always taught the Hyperlinked Library on a foundation of radical trust with students and will continue to do so. One of the goals […]

We are an Animal Crowd!

Hey all – I just finished commenting on all your intro posts. I loved reading your stories.  I am amazed at how many of you have dogs and cats and other animals! Thanks for all the pics you are sharing etc… I will attach some pics of brothers Billy and Samm here. They are from […]