Posting & Submitting Your Assignments

Hey all – I am grading Roadmap assignments as they come in. I have had a few PDFs or URLs to Canva creations submitted directly to Canvas grade book. To make sure everyone in class can see and explore others’ work, please follow the submission guidelines. Here is the one for the Roadmap: Posting and […]

Inspiration: Gear Haul Video

This is our “Digital Pedagogy” professor again. What I think is interesting for our class: if you were in charge of a digital creation space of some kind, you might be purchasing similar equipment. Might be worth the 8 minutes to see what he has procured with his grant. This might be inspiring for the […]

Inspiration: Anythink Nature Library

As a public library, Anythink provides access to knowledge in a free, safe and trusted space available to all. As an experience library, Anythink is even more uniquely qualified to build a nature library – using spaces, experts, TryIts and other resources to help people find their place in nature. Inspired by the Environmental Kinship […]