AI & Academic Integrity

Hey all – I follow the Professors sub reddit and the uptick in posts from educators all over regarding student use of AI in class writing is off the charts.  I have always taught the Hyperlinked Library on a foundation of radical trust with students and will continue to do so. One of the goals […]

We are an Animal Crowd!

Hey all – I just finished commenting on all your intro posts. I loved reading your stories.  I am amazed at how many of you have dogs and cats and other animals! Thanks for all the pics you are sharing etc… I will attach some pics of brothers Billy and Samm here. They are from […]

Please Add These Blogs to Your Feedly!

Good morning all! Please say hello and add these blogs to your Feedly: @ellyhutch @cayla @mdossey To add: Copy each URL and click on the icon for adding + a feed on the left hand side. Paste the URL in and follow. Add it to the group for summer.