UPDATED: Course Social Chat Recording & Four Blogs to Add

Thanks to all who attended! If you could not attend, please watch the recording. I just tried to dip into the recording and it may have a little bit of sputtering. Apologies for that.

We talked about assignments and the focus of the class!

Please say hello and add these blogs to your Feedly:

@ellyhutch https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/ellyhutch/

@cayla https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/cayla/

@mdossey https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/dossey/

@messca13  https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/messca13/

To add: Copy each URL and click on the icon for adding + a feed on the left hand side. Paste the URL in and follow. Add it to the group for summer.


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