
Course Requirements & Keeping Up Workflow

Hey all – I am super pleased with  the growing cohesion and reflection of this group as I read through your updates and posts.

As we go deeper into the semester, please make sure you pay close attention to the course schedule and due dates. I do not want to see anyone get behind. This is one of the most important pages of the site:


Keep up with the flow of the course  via various channels. Use an RSS Reader (Feedly, Netvibes) and the class feeds or use this simple workflow:
  1. Check the course site daily: https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu
  2. Peruse the latest activity daily: https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/community/activity/
  3. See if there’s anything new in your groups by clicking Activity –> Groups on your profile page. Mine looks like this: https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/community/peers/michael/activity/groups/ If you are only interested in new posts, go back to the activity page and use the filter to look for new posts. The most important announcements from me will go on our main page or use the Archives sidebar or page numbers at the bottom of the page to go back.

From our Course Requirements page:

Students will be expected to use the course Web site multiple times a week to stay up to date with readings, assignments, and blogging. This is also a way for students to experience the emerging social nature of the web – similar systems are being used in library settings all over the world. Librarians are working, writing and sharing in open, online systems created for interaction with each other and with library users. The course site utilizes the WordPress software package to create an open, interactive environment for sharing and discourse. You must create an account on the site and publish an open blog but  no one in class is required to share their full name, photo or any other details. The use of avatars and aliases is acceptable.

 It is essential that you keep steady attention to the course, to the modules, to the readings, and to the blog postings from your classmates.

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