“We are born to learn, but somewhere along the way many of us pick up the idea that we must be taught in order to learn. We think that if someone doesn’t stand up in front of us and talk to us with either a chalkboard or PowerPoint slides, we cannot learn. We must regain our sense of wonder and our desire to learn.” — R.Tennant, “Strategies for Keeping Current,” Library Journal, 9/15/2003, p.28. This sentiment still holds true!
This module explores professional learning experiences for librarians and highlights some research on Learning 2.0, 23 Mobile Things, the #hyperlib MOOC, and more.
Lecture Recording
Things to Read
- Stephens, M. (2014). Making the Case for the Library as Space for Infinite Learning
- Pewhairangi, S. (2016). Library as a Classroom for Library Staff.
- Stephens, M. (2016). “Lessons from Learning 2.0” in The Heart of Librarianship, p. 134
- Stephens, M. (2016). “Learning to Learn” in The Heart of Librarianship, p. 140
- Stephens, M. (2019). “PLEs & ALA” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 55
- Stephens, M. (2019). “Formula for Success” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 30
- Stephens, M. (2019). “Personal, Actionable, Accessible” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 44
- Stephens, M. (2019). “What’s Next” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 53
- Simon, K. (2020). Emotional Labor, Stressors, and Librarians Who Work with the Public
- Stephens, M. (2021). The Strategic, Curious & Skeptical Learner
Things to View
- Lego Foundation. (2016). What do we Mean by Learning Through Play?
23 Things
- 23 Things Oxford: About 23 Things (2009).
- 23mobilethings (2013).
- 23 Things for Professional Development (2013).
- 23 Framework Things (2017).
- A 23 Things Collaboration from Ireland (2018).
- Bowers, H. (2017). 23 Things – 10 Years Later
- 23 Things: Media Landscapes (2021)
- 23 Linked Data Things (2022)
Things to Explore
- Stephens, M., & Cheetham, W. (2012). The Impact and Benefits of Learning 2.0 Programs in Australian Public Libraries.
- Lawley, E. (2013). Gameful design for libraries. [slide deck]
- USC Annenberg. (2013). Create circulate connect collaborate.
- Mears, J. (2016). Digital curation and the public: Strategies for education and advocacy.
- Stephens, M. (2016). The_Research_Journey
- Wolff, C. (2017). U.S. Library Survey 2016.
- Stephens, M. (2019). Technology, Collaboration, and Learning: Perceptions and Preferences of US Public Library Staff Professional Development USPDStudyArticle
- Heick, T. (2021) Characteristics of a Critical Thinking Classroom
- IFLA. (2022). IFLA Guidelines for PD: HQ Online Learning
- Library Show & Tell (n.d.). UEA Library Show & Tell