
The Learning Community

The learning community is broken down into five components: activity updates, blog posts, the community of peers, and groups.  Each component adds to the social learning experience of the course site.  So, look at their descriptions to see how they may positively impact your experience here at 287.


The activity stream shows content being updated on the 287 site. From status updates, to blog posts, badges earned, public @messages sent, and forum posts replied to, the activity stream is the place to go to find out what people are talking about and doing.


Every student at this site has a blog where they can post thoughts, responses to literature, completed assignments and upload documents or embed media to share with the world. Blogs are at the heart of this learning community, and we hope that you take advantage of your own.


We hope that you connect with your fellow students in 287, so peruse through or search the directory of peers to find folks you’ve encountered here, people you know already, or randomly friend someone and strike up a conversation! You can also click on your peer’s name to visit their profile, read their blog, and see what they’ve been up to in the course.


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