
Grading & Rubrics

We will be using the grade book in our Canvas sites to enter your points and comments about the assignments. This will be the only use of  Canvas for the course.


Full assignment grading rubrics linked here


Course Grading
Grading will be based on 100 possible points. More information to come as assignments are finalized.

  • All assignments are due on Sundays and must be turned in by midnight PT.
  • Late submissions will be reduced by 20% of the total points possible for that assignment.
  • If life circumstances require students to request an extension, please do so several days before the assignment is due or as soon as possible.
  • Communication and interaction throughout the semester via the course site is expected an required.

Grading Scale
The standard SJSU School of Information Grading Scale is utilized for all School of Information courses:

97-100 A
94-96 A-
91-93 B+
88-90 B
85-87 B-
82-84 C+
79-81 C
76-78 C-
73-75 D+
70-72 D
67-69 D-
Below 67 F
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