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Museums and Galleries
- Doljenkova, V., Tung, G. (2015). Beacon Technology in Museums
- Bienkowski, P. (2016). How to Change into a Participatory Museum and Gallery
- Cho, J. (2016). Impact of social media on museums, art.
- McDermon, D. (2016). Who’s in charge at the Brooklyn Museum
- Titlow, J. (2016). How A 145-Year-Old Art Museum Stays Relevant In The Smartphone Age.
- Zimmerman, E. (2016.). Technology Deep Dive into Art
- Alikhan, A. (2017). New Technologies in Art Museums
- American Alliance of Museums (2017). Community Engagement and Impact
- IMLS (2017). Strengthening Networks, Sparking Change: Museums and Libraries as Community Catalysts
- Richardson, J. (2017). Ten Startups Disrupting Museums
- Clark. K. (2018). A Museum Filled with Life
- Mansky, J. (2018). Play Wall Art Like an Instrument
- Oliveira, E. A. & de Barba, P. (2018). How does learning happen in museums?
- Snyder, S. (2018.) Virtual Visits.
- Nonprofit Quarterly (2019). Museums: Nonprofits in the Eye of the Perfect Storm
- San Diego Museum of Art (2019). The SDMA app – Enhance your museum experience
- Ulaby, N. (2020). Refugee Docents Help Bring A Museum’s Global Collection To Life.
- Charr, M. (2020). How Technology is Bringing Museums Back to Life.
- Cleveland Museum of Art (n.d.). ArtLens Gallery
- Simon, N. (n.d.). The Participatory Museum.