Planning for Participatory Services
Technology and libraries in the 21st century are wedded, and this marriage is a long-lasting one. A library that recognizes how technology can improve services for its community is destined for success. No matter what technologies or services you go with, remember to plan with your users in mind.
In this module, we will explore planning for Hyperlinked Libraries. How do we plan effectively for hyperlinked services? How do we balance technolust, institutional mission and the needs of our users? How do we create libraries with a global reach and local focus? The tech will often change but the thoughts about planning, and the way we approach technology, can be more consistent.
Lecture Recording
Things to Read
- Older but Useful Resources
- Casey, M., & Stephens, M. (2008). Measuring progress.
- Stephens, M. (2013). Holding us back. In The Heart of Librarianship, page 9.
- Stephens, M. (2008). Taming technolust: Ten steps for planning in a 2.0 world.
- Barbakoff, A. & Lenstra, N. (2024). Working Hand in Hand – How to conduct community-led planning
- Peet, L. and Schwartz, M. (2021). Anaheim Library is Here for You: Gale/LJ Library of the Year 2021.
- American Libraries Magazine. (2022). Special Report: Toward an Equitable Digital Future.
- Stephens, M. (2019). “Speak of the Devil” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 70
- Stephens, M. (2019). “Adopt or Adapt?” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 34
- Roe, M. (2019). LA Public Library’s New Makerspace.
- SFPL Strategic Plan (2024).
Things to View
Things to Explore
- Stephens, M. (2004). Technoplans vs. technolust.
- Stephens, M. (2011). “Scanning the Horizon” in The Heart of Librarianship, p. 37
- Stephens, M. (2019). “Gifts of this hour” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 89
- Ford, A. (2018). Adulting 101
- Madison Public Library (2019). The Bubbler.
- Edson, M.P. (2022). “Forget Innovation,” Twitter thread from Michael Edson.
- Liu, Y.Q. and Lewis, S. (2023). Services to Mobile Users.
- Tynan-Wood, C. (2023). iPads in the Classroom: The Promise and the Problems.
Photo credit by Michael Stephens