
Module 5: Hyperlinked Communities

Hyperlinked Communities

In Module 5, we will examine how we can engage hyperlinked communities of all kinds. Peter Block writes in Community: The Structure of Belonging that “communities are human systems given form by conversations that build relatedness.” Building a relationship between the librarian and the user is a step toward establishing the bonds of community. That’s why we can’t just hide behind our reference desks or our virtual lecterns and hope that students or users listen but leave us alone: active engagement begins here. If we can articulate our purpose and goals well, and use it as a basis for building community, we are on the right track.

We’ll explore examples of hyperlinked community engagement via technology tools, place-based meet ups, and engagement strategies designed to enlighten and entertain. Don’t miss the video featuring Monica Harris, at that time from Oak Park Public Library, discussing “The Idea Box” and more.

Lecture Recording


Things to Read

Current Thought

Things to View

Things to Explore

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