
Module 3: The Hyperlinked Library Model

The Hyperlinked Library Model

The hyperlinked library is human. Communication, externally and internally, is in a human voice. The librarians speak to users via open, transparent conversation.

Michael Stephens, The Hyperlinked Library

In Module 3, we will explore The Hyperlinked Library model, which emphasizes an open, participatory institution that welcomes user input and creativity. It is built on human connections and conversations. The organizational chart is flatter and team-based; the collections grow and thrive via user and staff involvement. Librarians are tapped in to user spaces and online places to interact, have presence, and point the way. Adapting to change in a positive, forward-thinking manner will also be important for libraries and information environments. The response to ongoing change should be constant and purposeful — based on thoughtful planning and grounded in the mission of libraries. Hyperlinked Library services are born from careful trend-spotting, an application of the foundational tenets of librarianship, and an informed understanding of emerging technologies’ societal and cultural impact.

Intro to the “historic” Hyperlinked Library Model Lecture

Lecture Recording

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