
Module 13: Reflective Practice


Reflective Practice

How do we find balance? How do we make good decisions? Reflective practice is mindfulness to the nth degree. Be thoughtful about the decisions you make, about the projects you take on, and about how you put yourself out there in the online world. It might be what you present at a conference or what you write on a blog or in an article; those things become part of your practice as well.

How did you come to be where you are in the field? What decisions did you make? If you found your way to this profession, you’re looking to help people be the best they possibly can be. We are the heart of our communities and that only works because the people who run libraries give of themselves. They do it knowing that there will be hard days and disappointment, budget fights, and individuals whom they may not be able to reach. The best librarians make that emotional investment because they believe in the institution and the communities they serve.

Lecture Recording

[@earthbound_madness]. (2021, October 5). Posts [Instagram profile]. Instagram. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from https://www.instagram.com/earthbound_madness/


Things to Read

*Sadly, our Labrador Retriever Cooper passed in April 2019. He and Dozer were the best of buddies.

Things to Explore

Things to Watch

Image courtesy Michael Stephens

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