- Morehart, P. (2016). Moving beyond the ‘third place.‘
- Ro, L. (2016). Scandinavia’s Largest Library Wins Title of Public Library of the Year.
- Zorthian, J. (2016). Look Inside the Most Cutting Edge Library in the World.
- Oestergaard, M. (2017). Dokk1: A Place For People [slide deck]
- Peet, L. (2018). Rolf Hapel: Toward a Global Instruction and Practice
- Stephens, M. (2019). “Dream. Explore. Experiment.” in Wholehearted Librarianship, p. 60
- Ni Riain, C. and Engberg, J. (2019). DOKK1 Main Library, Aarhus: So Good They Put It On a Stamp
- Lauersen (2021). Impact of public Libraries in Denmark: A Haven
- LibraryBuildings.info (n.d.) Dokk1.
- Dokk1 Webpage
- Instagram @dokk1aarhus
Even more links:
https://libraryplanet.net/2019/02/15/dokk1-aarhus-main-library-denmark-so-good-they-put-in-on-a-stamp/ (great overview)
https://www.ala.org/pla/sites/ala.org.pla/files/content/onlinelearning/webinars/archive/Marie_Oestergaard_PLAWebinar_nov_16.pdf – Marie Oestergaard’s slidedeck from an ALA webinar!
https://time.com/4458185/denmark-library-cutting-edge-dokk1/ – Time announcement of 2016 award of library of the year.