Claire Burke

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, A Little About Me, on the site 5 days, 3 hours ago

    Hey @louis
    what folk horror movies have you been watching? That’s one of my fave genres, I really enjoy the original Wicker Man with Christopher Lee and The Witch. I’ve never read Thomas Ligotti and have only seen Hellraiser by Clive Barker, but liked it a lot.
    The main horror writer I enjoy is Stephen King, but if you dabble in manga, Junji Ito…[Read more]

  • Claire Burke wrote a new post on the site Book Bound Dino 5 days, 17 hours ago

    The "Radical" Concept of Eliminating Library Fines Firstly, why don’t we start with the history of late fees, yeah? Mini History Lesson Silly meme aside, I vividly remember the […]

    • Hi Claire,

      Great post! I agree with a lot of what you’ve written here. The library I work in has gone through many phases of late fee practices. We generally don’t charge late fees for our own books, but because we’re an academic library we have high interlibrary loan use. That’s usually when we get into sticky territory, because other libraries will charge us for late or lost books. We used to eat the cost, but it became a big strain on our budget. It’s tough to navigate!

      With some libraries in our consortium, we’ve reach an agreement that if users are willing to replace a book they’ve lost, then there is no fee charged. It’s not perfect, but we’ve found many users are happy with the alternative. It’s often cheaper to simply replace a book than pay fees (which can really add up!).

      Thanks again for posting! I really enjoyed reading what you shared, and the fun follow-along photos.

    • Claire, great topic to post about (and some great thoughts!) Like Diamond’s consortium, the public library cooperative I work in has gotten rid of all fees, except for damaged and lost items. In your conclusion, you mention incentives and rewards, instead of fines, for those who turn materials on time. What do you think that would look like? I was thinking maybe a sort of automated punch card system at book returns. You get a card punch for each trip that you return materials on time and, after so many pumches, you get a prize. Maybe a coupon(s) to local businesses?

    • @claireburke I love this post! I also love the idea of giving rewards for returning books early or on time, instead of punishing for being late. There should also be rewards for those who may not have returned the book, but rechecked it out in the proper way and in timely fashion – because not everyone reads at the same speed. I love many of the e-book library apps, as they automatically return for you and also give you several warnings when it’s about to be returned.

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, Behold! Our OPML File!, on the site 2 weeks, 4 days ago

    Just imported the OPML into Feedly. It was pretty straightforward with the video and steps given on how to do it. @michael Thanks for the easy to follow instructions, since I’ve never used Feedly before, appreciate it!

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, A Little About Me, on the site 2 weeks, 4 days ago

    @michael. I have seen Longlegs, but haven’t heard of Oddity, will definitely check it out! During late September through October my friends and I watch, mostly, so bad they’re good scary movies (Fright Night being the exception to one of the bad ones).

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, Hello, I am Kyle, on the site 2 weeks, 6 days ago

    Hi Kyle,
    the photos you posted are absolutely incredible! Thanks for sharing them! Also, that’s amazing that you just wrapped up your internship with Lucasfilm; that must have been an awesome experience! Nice to meet you and have a great semester!

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, a little about me, on the site 2 weeks, 6 days ago

    Hey Cat, nice to see you in another class (I think this is the third one we’ve had together)! Growing up, my family had 3 rescue chickens named Brunhilda, Blondie, and Chicken Little; I love the names of all your chickens!
    And, I love your Roller Derby name (not sure if you’re a fan of pro-wrestling, but there was a tag team group called The…[Read more]

  • Ha, I forgot to attach it…

    A Little About Me

  • Hey guys, attached is my introduction post. Excited to see your posts!

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, My Introduction!, on the site 3 weeks ago

    Nice to meet you, Louis! Last semester, I took a class and one of my assignments was the evaluation of incorporating the Orbit Reader for patrons of the Braille Institute Library. Here’s to a good semester!

  • Claire Burke commented on the post, My Introduction!, on the site 3 weeks, 1 days ago

    Hi Terri Beth,
    nice to meet you and Lillian! Thanks for sharing about your professional background and I am looking forward to this semester as well!

  • Claire Burke posted a new activity comment 3 weeks, 1 days ago

    Hi Jemielyn, I just finished the 2nd season of House of the Dragon as well (team Black fan)! I haven’t checked out A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder yet so will have to get on that soon since I’m actively looking for a new, fun thing to binge.

  • Claire Burke wrote a new post on the site Book Bound Dino 3 weeks, 1 days ago

    A Little About Me Hi everybody, my name is Claire Burke and this is my second year in the MLIS program. I am leaning towards the Children’s Librarian […]

    • @claireburke. Great pics! 🧛‍♀️ I am enjoying a run on horror films right now… Monday night was Longlegs and last night I started Oddity. Boith are very well done. Thanks for your sharing here. Welcome to #hyperlib!

      • @michael. I have seen Longlegs, but haven’t heard of Oddity, will definitely check it out! During late September through October my friends and I watch, mostly, so bad they’re good scary movies (Fright Night being the exception to one of the bad ones).

    • @claireburke I am giving The Blackcoat’s Daughter a try — from the director of Longlegs (which I can’t get out of my head).

    • I also love Halloween. My wife and I have been sneaking out the decorations earlier and earlier every year. She’s was more of a horror kid than I was, I was too scared, but I’ve come to really love the genre. Mostly movies, mostly older moodier ones. I’m currently finishing up a set of folk horror movies. I have started trying to read at least one or two horror novels or collections during the Halloween season too though. Last year I got through some Thomas Ligotti and finally read some Clive Barker. I’d love to read more contemprary or lesser known writers too though, but it’s hard to know where to start So, if you have any recommedations!

      Your work also sounds really interesting. Thought it can be challenging at times, for a variety of reasons often unrelated to the individuals or groups you’re direclty assisting, I’ve found working with special needs communities to be the most rewarding and interesting.

    • Hey @louis
      what folk horror movies have you been watching? That’s one of my fave genres, I really enjoy the original Wicker Man with Christopher Lee and The Witch. I’ve never read Thomas Ligotti and have only seen Hellraiser by Clive Barker, but liked it a lot.
      The main horror writer I enjoy is Stephen King, but if you dabble in manga, Junji Ito creates some amazing stories and visuals. The book Hell House by Richard Matheson had me keeping the lights on at night when I’d read it.
      Yeah, for sure I enjoy my job and have seen the kids I work with grow so much over the years I’ve known them; I definitely am clocked out by the end of the day, but in a good way, if that makes sense.

      • Oh I love the original Wicker Man. I’m a little more mixed on The Witch and Robert Eggers in genereal, though I’ve seen most of his films and am looking forward to his upcoming Nosferatu. Thomas Ligotti is great. He’s a weird fiction guy, I guess. Very strange, disturbing, and dryly funny stories.

        For folk horror I’ve been finishing up the films in the first volume of a folk horror series of box sets from Severin films, called All the Haunts Be Ours. Some of the recent highlights have been Penda’s Fen, Witchhammer, Robin Redbreast. They’ve all been great though, even if some stretch the definition of horror. I’ve been saving the documentary about folk horror, Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched, for last.

        I’ve read some King and was thinking about picking up an Ito for this Halloween season. i’m going to add Richard Matheson to my list! Thanks!

  • Claire Burke posted a new activity comment 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    YES! So glad to find someone else who knows about it! I’m a HUGE musical theater nerd and have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop! Great to meet you!

  • I just binged season 2 of House of the Dragon on Max and have watched Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime numerous times!

  • Claire Burke changed their profile picture 3 weeks, 4 days ago

  • Claire Burke became a registered member 3 weeks, 4 days ago