Housekeeping: Take Your Blog With You!

NOTE: Make sure you follow these instructions and pay attention to the dates below.

You’ve worked so hard over the past semester – don’t let that content just disappear!

After our class ends, we’ll start work updating the site for next time  This means eventually your student blogs will be deleted from the course site.  But we don’t want you to lose all your great work.  Luckily for us the site software we use – WordPress – makes it super simple to gather all your content, export it and then import it to a new WordPress blog at  your own new WordPress account.

PLEASE move your content by December 21, 2024.  This is especially important if you want to use your blog content in your e-portfolio.

Follow these steps:

Your Toolbox

In your blog Dashboard, scroll down a bit until you see the “Tools” section on the left-hand side.  Click on this to expand your options and you’ll now see “Import” and “Export” listed.  Go ahead and click on “Export.”

Exporting for Future Use

It’s pretty simple: just click “Export All Content.”

Bam! You’ve got an Archived Copy of your Blog

Told you it was simple 🙂  Keep this file in a safe place.  It’s what you’ll need later on.

Time to Import

Register at WordPress, use your own server-side installation, or other blogging software site that supports a WP import.

For Once you’re all set with your account and blog, login and go to “Tools” and “Import” in your new blog.  Then, choose “WordPress” at the bottom of the options.

Still have that File?

Browse to that archived file of your old blog and then choose “Upload file and import.”  Once you’ve done this you’ll have all your content back up and ready! NOTE: This isn’t an exact replica of your old site.  It is your content (posts, pages, links, media uploads) but not your theme (the fancy design).  You’ll have to either choose the same theme again or select a new one.

UPDATE from Bob Lucore, our school’s Technology Support Consultant:

If you are importing into the Community Site, students will need to activate the plugin on their individual blog site. So once they have logged in to their site and have all the menu selections available, they need to go to  Plugins and then scroll down to WordPress Importer. Click on Activate.
Then go to Tools > Import and select Run Importer.
This GIF demonstrates:

Bob also says it might be an idea to create a new blog on the Community Site:

I also think that it might be smart to create a new site on the Community Site. I get several requests from students each term who are running out of space on their original blog when they try to add to it for other classes. We can’t expand the amount of available memory for just one blog. So it it better to create seperate sites for each class. As a reminder, the tutorial for that is here:
Finally, if students want to have access to their materials after they graduate, they should set up a site elsewhere, and import their content there. For example,

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