
Course Structure & Requirements


#hyperlib is taught via various social, connected technologies, including the course community, blogging and blog comments, status updates, and participation in other social technologies as applicable.

This site – https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu – is the central hub for the learning community. All news, announcements and course requirements will be communicated here. Canvas is used for grading purposes only.

Course Structure

#hyperlib consists of modules, blog posts from Michael introducing each module, blogging, and assignments. Course conversations about participatory service and other course models can play out via blog posts/comments, interaction in tribes, and via the virtual symposium held at the end of class. Assignments are due Sunday evenings by midnight PT, unless otherwise noted.

Module Structure

Modules include the following sections:

Things to Read
The required readings explore topics you are expected to understand and incorporate into your assignments for all modules in the course.

Things to View
The assigned and required media-based presentations extend your knowledge and offer new dimensions to the topics.

Things to Explore
These materials are optional enhancements to the course content that offer more insight into the module topics.


Students will be expected to use the course Web site multiple times a week to stay up to date with readings, assignments,  and blogging. This is also a way for students to experience the emerging social nature of the web – similar systems are being used in library settings all over the world. Librarians are working, writing and sharing in open, online systems created for interaction with each other and with library users. The course site utilizes the WordPress software package to create an open, interactive environment for sharing and discourse. You must create an account on the site and publish an open blog but  no one in class is required to share their full name, photo or any other details. The use of avatars and aliases is acceptable.

 It is essential that you keep steady attention to the course, to the modules, to the readings, and to the blog postings from your classmates.

Note: If sudden life changes occur, please contact Michael as soon as possible.


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