Michael Stephens commented on the post, Reflection on Hyperlinked Communities: What We Can Do, on the site 1 months, 1 weeks ago
@@wendyr24 I so appreciate this practical application of what is possible within the school library space. I agree that it is important to have a collection that appeals to everyone that uses the library and it should be an up-to-date collection. I hope you can make these things work as you go forward.
Millicent commented on the post, Assignment X: School Library 2.0, on the site 1 months, 1 weeks ago
@wendyr24 It is so sad that so many schools are doing without a library and do not see the purpose of the librarian and library. My school libraries growing up were magical safe havens to me. I grew up rather poor, and I couldn’t always get to the local public library unfortunately, but my school’s library provided me with books and similar…[Read more]
Michael Stephens commented on the post, Behold! Our OPML File!, on the site 3 months ago
@msandoval @wendyr24 Yay! I hope it is very helpful for your class workflows.
Michael Stephens commented on the post, My Introduction!, on the site 3 months ago
@wendyr24 Thanks for your kind words about the class. Yay for teacher librarians! Feel free to focus your assignments on K-12 libraries if you would like.
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