
  • Hi classmates! Here is the link to my intro post:

    a little about me

    Looking forward to learning with you all this semester!

  • Catherine became a registered member 3 weeks, 3 days ago

  • Catherine wrote a new post on the site Cat's Corner 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    a little about me Hello! I am Catherine (she/her). I live in northern Colorado with my partner, our two amazing teenagers, our beloved terrier-hound mutt, and 7 Continue reading

    • Roller derby!! How cool! 😀
      Nice to meet you, Cat. Hope you have a great semester!

    • Hey Cat, nice to see you in another class (I think this is the third one we’ve had together)! Growing up, my family had 3 rescue chickens named Brunhilda, Blondie, and Chicken Little; I love the names of all your chickens!
      And, I love your Roller Derby name (not sure if you’re a fan of pro-wrestling, but there was a tag team group called The Hardy Boys who had a finishing move called Poetic Justice)! Happy semester!

      • Hi Claire! Good to “see” you again! Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂 I love the names Brunhilda, Blondie, and Chicken Little! I wanted to give my hens stupid pun names but my kids vetoed me, and instead our girls just organically came into their names (we do have a Stevie that I sometimes call Stevie Chicks, but in reality she is named after Stevie from Schitt’s Creek, not Stevie Nicks).

        I love that fact you shared about the wrestlers and their finishing move! I don’t follow pro-wrestling now, but when I was a kid my sisters and I were big fans of WWF and also GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling). We all had our own GLOW personas and would hold GLOW matches in our family room! 🤣

    • Hello Catherine! You have a beautiful family and you’ve been on so many amazing hikes and journeys. I also think it is so cool that you do roller derby. I love to watch and always admired those that play, I am just so timid and scared that I’ve never tried myself. I can’t wait to get to know you more throughout the class!

      • Thanks for visiting and for your comment, Millicent! It’s pretty cool that you have watched roller derby – most people don’t even know that it still exists! If it’s something you are actually interested in, you should totally give it a try! I almost talked myself out of it so many times before I actually started, because I also am pretty timid and scared and didn’t feel like I fit the stereotype I had in my mind of a roller derby player, but I am so, so glad I did it! It’s really empowered me and made me realize I am a lot stronger and braver than I was giving myself credit for. 🙂

    • @Catherine I am really appreciating the graphics you shared – yay for all of those things, especially roller derby, travel and chickens. Welcome to #hyperlib!

      • Thanks, @Michael! I am excited to learn from and with you this semester!

      • Oh also, @Michael, I paused this week’s lecture video to comment this, because you mentioned Mishawaka, and I spent several years in Mishawaka/Osceola as a kid (and I am originally from Michigan – Troy/Clawson/Sterling Heights area)! I was in elementary school when we lived there, but my older sisters (and cousins) graduated from Penn High. 🙂