a little about me

Hello! I am Catherine (she/her). I live in northern Colorado with my partner, our two amazing teenagers, our beloved terrier-hound mutt, and 7 hens.

I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology over 20 years ago, & have been a stay-at-home mom for the past 17 years, while working at a Catholic preschool & a public middle school library for 8 of those years. I am currently almost halfway through the MLIS program at SJSU and hope to pursue public librarianship in children’s/youth services. I am taking Hyperlinked Library this semester because I have heard great things about the class and professor, and because I care deeply about library access for all and think this class will help me think about new ways to reach and engage all library users (and potential library users).

Outside of school and work, I love spending time with my family and friends, traveling, reading, writing poetry, roller skating and playing roller derby, and hiking.


  1. Terri Beth

    Roller derby!! How cool! 😀
    Nice to meet you, Cat. Hope you have a great semester!

    • Catherine

      Hi Terri Beth! Thanks for visiting and commenting! Nice to meet you!

  2. Claire Burke

    Hey Cat, nice to see you in another class (I think this is the third one we’ve had together)! Growing up, my family had 3 rescue chickens named Brunhilda, Blondie, and Chicken Little; I love the names of all your chickens!
    And, I love your Roller Derby name (not sure if you’re a fan of pro-wrestling, but there was a tag team group called The Hardy Boys who had a finishing move called Poetic Justice)! Happy semester!

    • Catherine

      Hi Claire! Good to “see” you again! Thanks for visiting my blog. 🙂 I love the names Brunhilda, Blondie, and Chicken Little! I wanted to give my hens stupid pun names but my kids vetoed me, and instead our girls just organically came into their names (we do have a Stevie that I sometimes call Stevie Chicks, but in reality she is named after Stevie from Schitt’s Creek, not Stevie Nicks).

      I love that fact you shared about the wrestlers and their finishing move! I don’t follow pro-wrestling now, but when I was a kid my sisters and I were big fans of WWF and also GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling). We all had our own GLOW personas and would hold GLOW matches in our family room! 🤣

  3. Millicent

    Hello Catherine! You have a beautiful family and you’ve been on so many amazing hikes and journeys. I also think it is so cool that you do roller derby. I love to watch and always admired those that play, I am just so timid and scared that I’ve never tried myself. I can’t wait to get to know you more throughout the class!

    • Catherine

      Thanks for visiting and for your comment, Millicent! It’s pretty cool that you have watched roller derby – most people don’t even know that it still exists! If it’s something you are actually interested in, you should totally give it a try! I almost talked myself out of it so many times before I actually started, because I also am pretty timid and scared and didn’t feel like I fit the stereotype I had in my mind of a roller derby player, but I am so, so glad I did it! It’s really empowered me and made me realize I am a lot stronger and braver than I was giving myself credit for. 🙂

  4. Michael Stephens

    @Catherine I am really appreciating the graphics you shared – yay for all of those things, especially roller derby, travel and chickens. Welcome to #hyperlib!

    • Catherine

      Thanks, @Michael! I am excited to learn from and with you this semester!

    • Catherine

      Oh also, @Michael, I paused this week’s lecture video to comment this, because you mentioned Mishawaka, and I spent several years in Mishawaka/Osceola as a kid (and I am originally from Michigan – Troy/Clawson/Sterling Heights area)! I was in elementary school when we lived there, but my older sisters (and cousins) graduated from Penn High. 🙂

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