
Virtual Symposium

The Virtual Symposium is an artifact designed to showcase your reflections on the course content. Your audience is your fellow classmates. 


The symposium is a way to share your learning with the other members of our hyperlinked community. Imagine strolling around a beautiful space where each of you have created something the represents your takeaways or insights from The Hyperlinked Library. Focus on this question: What are you taking away from the Hyperlinked Library course? Explore your insights in any creative manner you’d like. It can be anything! Let your imaginations play!

Don’t miss this page of tools used by previous #hyperlib students: https://287.hyperlib.sjsu.edu/how-to/symposium-tools/

To share your work for the semester, consider one or more of the following for the “virtual symposium” – be as creative as you’d like.

  • Utilize your blog, video, audio, slides, or any media-based online tool to create a 5 minute presentation about your learning and assignments. Highlight your work and your own critical thinking. Be creative!
  • Create a “Five in 5″video or audio presentation where you highlight five key takeaways in 5 minutes.
  • Challenge yourself with an “ignite” style talk: 15 slides in 5 minutes! (http://igniteshow.com)
  • For the Inspiration Report, record a short presentation that sums up your brief as though you are sending it to an admin team.
  • Highlight your top blog reflections in a “best of” post and synthesize your critical thinking over time.
  • Create any digital artifact that explores your learning and the Hyperlinked Library: a graphic of the model, an “info-graphic,” etc..
  • Try a 3 – 2 -1 report (in any media you choose): 3 “aha” moments, 2 ideas that you want to learn more about, and 1 thing you will do now.
  • Think way outside the box and present your learning in your own unique way
  • Suggest something to Michael or the class not included here!


  • While the assignment is broad in nature, please include some discussion of your Progression of Thought and Reflection with the course themes.
  • In the interest of accessibility, please include a link to a script or transcription of your video when you are ready to share it if possible.

NOTE: This does not have to be a ton of work or another complete project– it’s a way to share your learning with the other members of our hyperlinked community. Imagine strolling around a beautiful space where each of you have created something the represents your takeaways or insights from #hyperlib – that’s what I am looking for.

Inspirational Examples

Please review examples to see how previous students have creatively approached the Virtual Symposium assignment at the Assignment Inspiration Page. 

Posting & Submission

  • Post the finished presentation to your blog.
  • As a final step, submit your post URL to our Canvas site.


Criteria Points
Required components 5
Progression of thought and reflection 5
See full rubric here
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