
  • Justin Talamantes posted an update in the group Group logo of Ask A Question!Ask A Question! 1 months ago

    Hey all,

    Does anyone know if we need to do anything besides just publishing our blogs to get credit? I’m so used to submitting a link through Canvas for the professor, but we won’t really be using Canvas this semester other than to look at grades.

    • Looking under the assignments (, looks like that is it for individual blogs because of the feeds. I could be incorrect though!

    • @jwtalamantes We will use a feed reader or the site activity feed to monitor all the blogging (and assignments). Everything is submitted to Canvas via a URL to your blog. Blogging is submitted after you finish all five posts. From the assignment page for blogging:

      All postings will be published to your blog by the date specified above. Because we use feeds and readers for this class, individual post URL submissions are not required.
      At the end of the semester, you will submit your blog URL to Canvas for grading. The Reflection Blog assignment is cumulative.