Carly Scarberry

  • Hello My name is Carly, and I am the librarian at a lower elementary school in Kern County, California. My journey to become a school […]

    • @carlys “ more technology, more stories, more opportunities…”

      Love this! This is exactly what the class is about. Thanks for sharing your background. It’s so interesting. All the places that you have found yourself.

      Welcome to #hyperlib!

    • Hi Carly,

      What an exciting “meandering” path you’ve been on! First of all, congratulations on all the upcoming milestones and phase of life transitions. I have 4 little ones and have a ways to go before anyone graduates high school. I see getting to Empty Nester status as an incredible achievement to be proud of. And a retirement and Master’s graduation? What a 12 months, indeed! So much to be proud of.

      This –> ” I inquired, interviewed and was hired in the span of half an hour.” sounds like one of those really cool serendipitous life moments. 🙂

      What were your favorite parts about living in Japan? My husband and I lived in Tokyo for a spell and had a very memorable time. In more recent years, we had a couple of our children in a Japanese immersion program at their US elementary school and now plan to take them to Tokyo this fall as a treat. The food, trains, and cultural heritage spots come to mind as things I’m especially excited to share.

      • Hi Alexis,
        My favorite part was EVERYTHING. We live in Tokyo for four years and despite not looking like anyone there or really speaking the language or understanding all the culture I had never been to a place that felt more like me. The Japanese people are so welcoming and yet are not pushy. The landscape is gorgeous and so inviting for outside enjoyment.
        What years were you there? Maybe we crossed paths without even knowing it. 🙂

        *****This –> ” I inquired, interviewed and was hired in the span of half an hour.” sounds like one of those really cool serendipitous life moments. 🙂
        Yeah, I don’t really believe in fate but I definitely ended up where I was suppose to be.

  • Carly Scarberry commented on the post, About me, on the site 3 weeks, 5 days ago

    Hi Josh,
    What a great story. You are the living embodiment of the power of libraries.
    Have you always lived in the most polluted area in North America? Do you have to take special considerations in gardening and planting to counteract the pollution? I see from your pictures that you have a container garden. Is this due to the pollution? We…[Read more]

  • Good morning,
    I think I did this correctly.

    Carly Scarberry

  • Carly Scarberry changed their profile picture 4 weeks ago

  • Carly Scarberry became a registered member 4 weeks ago