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    Hyperlinked Environment

    I want to preface this blog post with the fact that I have no affiliation with international conflicts present or past. I have no religious connection, nor do I have the experience or education to form a informed political opinion. I am simply sharing information that caught my attention. First, let me quickly describe the path I took to write this blog. I work and live in a very tiny, insulated community with very little resources. The idea and concept of libraries globally and their missions and the physical/virtual/theoretical manifestations of those missions intrigues me. It is with that mindset that I chose to focus on international libraries for the…

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    Hyperlinked Communities

    Kindness Wins. Kindness. Wins. Kindness. Kindness. Kindness. When I saw this phrase “Kindness Wins” (Stephens, 2019 p. 80), I thought “This.” And then because I am that person, I started thinking about the word kindness, as a word. Kindness is eight letters (six with two repeated, if one wants to be technical) not super long or complex, as a word. The adjective kind with the predicate -ness attached to transfer the word into a noun.  But the gravity, the weightiness of that word is immeasurable. Kindness is not something I can touch but I know kindness when I see it, experience it. I also know the opposite when I see…

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    Assignment X

    Hi everyone, I created a Canva slide presentation for Assignment X. You can access the slides by clicking on the image or use this link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHpMstkek/vjTJvuMWv5qmSuaNinvdwA/edit?utm_content=DAGHpMstkek&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

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    My name is Carly, and I am the librarian at a lower elementary school in Kern County, California. My journey to become a school librarian is a long and slightly meandering story. I can clearly remember dressing up as a librarian for Kindergarten Career Day. Despite this early indication, I began my education career as a Physical Education teacher. Following the births of my children, I transitioned to teaching preschool. My family and I then relocated to Okinawa, Japan to support my husband’s career in the United States Air Force. While in Okinawa, I taught youth gymnastics and continued with this career upon relocating to mainland Japan. During the summer…