
  • Michael Stephens posted an update in the group Group logo of Break the Ice: Binge-WorthyBreak the Ice: Binge-Worthy 2 weeks ago

    I finished “One Day” on Netflix… stunning.

    • @michael What is that about? I see it advertised but I don’t know the premise.

      • @matilda I don’t want to give too much away, but it is a story of a couple that meet on the night of graduation from the University of Edinburgh and the time they spend together over the years. It’s called one day because every episode takes place on the same date in a different year.

        • That does sound intriguing. Sort of a riff along the theme of Same Time, Next Year. A movie that I sadly cannot seem to find anywhere.

          • @matilda I saw that movie when it came out. I was 13! Perhaps too young but I loved the story!

            • And wow…it is elusive. Only thing I can find is the DVD:

            • I’m pretty sure I have only seen it once in my life. If I’ve even seen it all the way through? It was one of those movies that sometimes played on Saturday afternoons on TV when I was young but then became hard to find when I got old enough to be interested.

              BUT right after I commented I was actually finally able to check my library’s collections and it’s available on DVD! I bought a cheap DVD player over Christmas because I’m tired of always having to get new streaming app subscriptions, but our library app was broken until just last week so I hadn’t ever checked the collection. Oh, the irony!

            • @matilda That is perfect! Cheap DVD player and a library DVD! I so appreciated the them song for STNY. It was nominated for an Oscar.