Isabel Prieto-Torres

  • Isabel Prieto-Torres changed their profile picture 4 days, 11 hours ago

  • Assignment X Libraries Need to Change: Why Not Libraries? When people search for information, they tend to choose the most convenient method. Google has Continue reading

    • Hi Isabel,
      I think this sentence —-“We must realize that the library is not always the welcoming space we consider it to be – some people are intimidated by the unfamiliarity of the library, virtual and physical.” it especially significant especially in the internet age. Google, while an infant in compared to age of libraries, is comfortable. People know Google. They know that Google will give them an answer. I think you have hit on an important consideration in the scope of your question as to how can we, as informational professionals, make people stop and question if the information they are getting from Google reliable. I also think the question must be how can we make this realization as part of their lives?

    • Isabel
      Nice post I feel people rely on Google and other search engines as they are well known and free and they will get a answers then a now. I think Adetayo argument has good point as AI can be used to point users to the right information with in the library and online. I for one use the SJSU library for getting articles or websites as they are more directed to what I need. I think it might take some time it for AI to be uses in libraries as it take man power and money to impalement this changes.

  • Introductory PostHi everyone! My name is Isabel and I am from Long Beach, California. I am currently taking 3 summer courses and working full time as […]

    • @isabelpt thanks for sharing your background. I wish you the very best with your three classes and as I’ve mentioned, make this class work in the best way for you. I am so excited you’ll be graduating this.

      Welcome to #hyperlib!

    • Hi Isabel,

      I was born in Torrance, CA, near you, but lived most of my life in Washington State. I’ve taken single Summer courses before, this is my first Summer session with two courses while working full time – and that time frame is a whole thing to keep up with for sure. You can do it!

    • Hi there Isabel! I’ve always been partial to taking summer classes in college because of the condensed schedule – I stay focused and don’t get too distracted or bored as there’s so much to do! I commend you taking three classes however… There is no way I’d be able to manage that! Good luck this semester with working full time and all your classes!

  • Isabel Prieto-Torres became a registered member 3 weeks ago