
  • AdriAnne C. posted an update in the group Group logo of My Favorite PodcastMy Favorite Podcast 3 months ago

    My mom introduced be a couple years back to a true crime podcast called “My Favorite Murder”. If you find true crime facscinating, Karen and Georgia respectfully cover cases that have happened. They do intersperse some humor thoughout their podcast, but it is usually their dynamic and, as stated, doesn’t direct it towards the victims, This also might appeal to you, if you ever liked CSI, or are interested in forensics.

    • I used to listen to this podcast religiously, but fell behind during the shutdown (when I wasn’t commuting anymore) and haven’t listened in a few years. But the “murderino” groups on facebook are my favorite, and are almost the only thing I still use facebook for anymore!

      • One of my classmates completed an information community project on people who digitally help solve crimes. I don’t usually listen to podcasts that often, but that podcast is one I want to re-visit. I believe they are still podcasting. I quickly checked their site and it appears to be current. I know they probably have discussed how they came up with calling their fans/community “murderinos”, as their fans are probably trying to be a part of the solution, and not the problem. I would be curious to find out how that name occurred.

        • @acorey I was a long time MFM listener. I switched gears to more movie focused podcasts in the last couple of years. My memory is that one of the early listeners who is the Simpsons fan coin the term Murderino after Homer’s neighbor Ned Flanders’ way of speaking.

    • @acorey I LOVE My Favorite Murder! I’ve always found true crime fascinating, and I love that Karen and Georgia talk about it in a way where you feel like you are hanging out with your friends and discussing it.

      • @inabookbind I don’t listen like I used to but in 2017 to 2021 I listened to every episode. You are right…it was like listening to friends. Karen said something I still repeat to myself and share whenever I can: “Anxiety is liar.”

        • @inabookbind @michael, I too feel like I’m sitting on a couch, chatting with them, and a bowl of popcorn! They definitely have the feel of being a friend. This makes me want to sneak of of their newer podcasts in, between work and school life!