
  • Iris posted an update in the group Group logo of My Favorite PodcastMy Favorite Podcast 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    Hi everyone: Here are my weekly podcasts that I *MUST* listen to at work, every episode: The Friend Zone, The Read, Jade and X.D., Gettin’ Grown, All My Relations (catching up on old episodes since they’ve stopped posting), Avatar: Braving the Elements, Code Switch, Culture Study, Detours, Diss and Tell, Fixing Famous People, I Saw What You Did, and more. I have ADHD, so podcasts help a lot when I’m working, lol.

    Right now, I’m on a major spooky/paranormal trip, so I’ve added these podcasts to binge as well: Sinisterhood, The Secret Room, True Scary Story, Espooky Tales, BBC’s Witch, and Paranormal Mysteries. Honestly, podcasts have taken over my reading time, but I try to also listen to e-books as well.