Meet My Meelo

As a way to not only introduce you to my fur child, but to practice embedding pictures and video into blog posts, here is Meelo, our 8-year-old Boxer rescue. He is a runt of a lil’ thang and doesn’t bark unless he’s really feeling a “I’m Mad as Hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” moment (which is hardly ever!).



Nicknamed “Sir Licks a Lot,” his name comes from a compromise between my husband and I. His former name was Camilo (he was given up due to financial constraints from his previous owner). I wanted to name him “Milo” (with the long “i” sound) while my husband wanted to honor his previous life and keep his former name. “Milo” with the short “i” sound was what it became (shortened from Camilo), but we found spelling it “Meelo” was easier for pronunciation.

Another favorite nickname of his is “Licky Potter,” due to the egregious lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Troubling to wonder how it got there.

As you can see, he likes to repose in warm places and can’t help but live his best life 2.0, as seen in the video below.

Click on the link to see the video:

Meelo’s Favorite Past Time – SD 480p

*Song credit: “Bambino,” by André Toussaint

*Images by Laura Wecksler

What’s Up, @hyperlib?

Hello, @Michael and fellow classmates!

I’m happy to be here. I chose this course because of the illustrious reputation which has preceded it and because I am very interested in how the paradigm of public libraries can shift in ways which connect us to each other.

I’m excited to expand my mind with new ideas about what libraries and librarians are capable of and also to enhance the foundation of my understanding in the field.

The public library pathway is my interest in LIS, although I am a brand new, fledgling baby to the library and information science world.

I look forward to connecting with you all and to an enriching semester!

Below is a picture of my husband, two children and I after a youth chorus concert for my daughter (and a karate event, hence my son’s donning of his gi). (P.S., my profile picture is a drawing my daughter did of me during the pandemic lockdown. I think it is pretty apt.)

@lauraw 🙂