Hello! I’m Emily . . .

Hey everyone! My name is Emily Mizokami and I am having finding this Master’s program challenging and exciting! I still can’t believe that just a year ago I had not even the slightest thought of returning to school, looking for internships, and dreaming of a completely different career. Well, any career really, as I have never had one. When you go so long without something, you truly cherish it when you get it back. I loved the academic world and I am so happy to be back!

I graduated college with a degree in politics from the University of California Santa Cruz in 1997, flailed around for a bit, and finally resigned myself to the chains of retail. I won’t name where I work or you will start to leave all the names of your favorite products in the comments. Let’s just say we have a playful nautical theme and are known for the best parking lots around!

Anywhose, a bad back is pushing me out of this job and I’ve decided to embrace my love of books, organization, and history and pursue a career in archives. I am a student assistant at the Center of Sacramento History and a first-year student in the MLIS program. I am hoping to push myself this semester and branch out more by adding various media to my blog posts this semester, such as videos and podcasts.

I have two ancient children, aged 23 and 20, and an extremely understanding husband who encourages me often to keep going and make this dream come true!

Here is a picture of me after discovering a series of little blue elephants along a beach trail near San Luis Obispo. There was no explanation, just a deliberate placement of little blue plastic elephants. Isn’t life wonderful and strange?