I have a lot of names and many of them do not sound as they are spelt. The transliteration table from Thai, Chinese, Sanskrit, or Pali to English makes the spelling more than a little odd. For the most part, I go by “Ping” and my initials are VPN. Hi, it’s nice to “meet” you!
For this blog, I’m “bookoni_vpn” or “bookoni”. My username stems from my love of reading and bookish things. I’m that friend that has a paperback in their bag, a few e-books on their phone, and books on CD for in the car. (I had to find a CD player with an FM transmitter because my current car does not have an aux port.) My reading habits gained me the nickname “bookmonster”. After I fell in love with Japan, manga, and anime, that nickname morphed into “bookoni”.
I own my book nerd status with pride. I have a plethora of bookish T-shirts that I sport whenever possible. I do have a white whale. This is a photo of a shirt I never found in my size. *sniffles*
As you may have surmised, I’m a fan of physical media. I currently work in the technical services unit of an academic library doing physical media acquisitions, receiving, cataloging, processing, and repair. I chose this course because I wanted to know about more the digital and virtual worlds. Electronic resources, digitization projects, social media interactions, and virtual communities are ever more prevalent so learning more about the options and pathways out there is important to me. I look forward to “seeing” you all in class!
@bookoni so interesting about all of your names. I am glad you found your way to this class and I hope you find inspiration here about what’s going on in digital spaces, etc. I think it’s very cool you are working with physical media.
Welcome to #hyperlib!
Hi Ping!
It’s nice to meet you. I love your username. What a fantastic combo. I also tend to have a book of some sort with me or around me at all times. It makes me so happy to see other people that love books that much. I guess we’re in good company though, huh?
Thank you for the comment on my blog. I’m glad my post gave you something interesting to research. It sounds like you’ve got some amazing resources for it. Color genetics are quite fun, especially when you see how bananas they can get.
I did some poking around and I think the shirt you’re looking for can be found on Etsy. The image is slightly different (she’s not wearing her helmet) but it’s close.
Judging by your username and interest in Japan and manga you might like An Introduction to Yokai Culture by Komatsu Kazuhiko. He’s an academic and folklorist specializing in Yokai. It’s my favorite book on the subject so far.
I fully admit I don’t read as much manga as I used to but I’m always down to talk about it or any books if you’d like.
Your job sounds fascinating. I hope we get to chat more in the future!
Thank you for tracking that shirt down for me! [T-T]<3 I didn't even think to look at Etsy! And, I haven't read An Introduction to Yokai Culture yet. I’m adding that to my TBR. I recently read a combination of yokai and food stories though. It’s called Anthony Bourdain’s Hungry Ghosts. This one collects volumes 1-4 of the series into a single volume.
Is THAT what that’s about?! I had no idea.
Definitely adding it to my TBR.
Thank you! I need other stuff to focus on when I’m in class or I get overwhelmed.
This will be perfect.