Our module on Hyperlinked Environments made me think about the role of academic libraries in connecting students, not only with resources but with each other. I had too much to say for a blog post, and opted for a long-form video instead. References at bottom of page.
Ahari, J. (2023, November 7). Suicide Prevention in the Library – Ithaka S+R. Ithaka S+R. https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/suicide-prevention-in-the-library/
Edwards, M. (2021, September 24). New suicide prevention resource collection. The Daily American. https://www.dailyamerican.com/story/lifestyle/2021/09/24/meyersdale-public-library-hosts-suicide-prevention-collection/5802163001/
Laerkes, J. G. (2016, March 29). The four spaces of the public library. IFLA Public Libraries Section Blog. https://blogs.ifla.org/public-libraries/2016/03/29/the-four-spaces-of-the-public-library/
Matthews, B. (2017). Cultivating Complexity: How I stopped driving the innovation train and started planting seeds in the community garden. Virginia Tech. https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/4c33041c-b2bc-4215-9231-aedaf0dcd8e3/content
Spice, L. (2019, September 6). Carroll University launches food share program. Carroll University. https://www.carrollu.edu/articles/alumni/2019/09/carroll-launches-food-share-program-for-students
Stephens, M. (2016b). The heart of librarianship: attentive, positive, and purposeful change. https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Librarianship-Attentive-Positive-Purposeful-ebook/dp/B01L2WLCK6
Suicide by Age – Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (n.d.). https://sprc.org/about-suicide/scope-of-the-problem/suicide-by-age/
@bklint I really enjoyed your video. Thank you for all of your sharing. The real life situations you described along with your responses through the lens of our course were spot on. I so agree with your points – especially about mental health, etc.
@michael Thank you! I am really excited about the possibility of incorporating that kind of space and more comprehensive mental health services in my next library position. To me, it’s all interconnected.
@bklint Excellent video! Having the library host a sign-up for a walk that raises awareness and funds for suicide prevention sounds to me like the epitome of wholehearted librarianship / whole-person perspective. I’m sorry your efforts were shut down. It sounds like an initiative with great potential for community building.
Also, I’m becoming more and more convinced that public and academic libraries need to have cafes attached to them for the reasons you lay out: people need a place to drink coffee and tea, to sit comfortably, socialize, and decompress — the third place!
@arthurkolat Thank you so much for your kind words. I learned so much from that experience and will definitely be trying to implement the ideas I mentioned in my next library position. Also, I wanted to mention the space at the San Diego Public Library (downtown location)– it is kind of a hybridized third space, and while it doesn’t exactly have a cafe, there is a sort of eating area, both inside and outside the entrance. It’s the closest thing I’ve ever seen (in person, anyway) and I hope I can use that idea in a future position as well.
@bklint I really enjoyed your video and your ideas on connecting students to one another, and not just academic resources. Mentioning coffee shops – the academic library I currently intern at has had a coffee shop for a few years now and it actually makes a huge difference. The coffee shop is right next to a really big comfy sitting area where talking is allowed, and there are also computers, printers, and scanners for schoolwork as well. Many of the students that come to the coffee shop aren’t necessarily coming for the library, but end up staying, socializing, and using the library services because they are already there and get comfy. I honestly believe that every academic library should incorporate coffee shops.
@inabookbind Oh, really! How cool! Yes, the cafe idea is so frowned upon in some library settings, but it makes such a special experience. We are all used to having coffee shops inside our big box stores like Barnes and Noble (not to mention Borders- RIP), so why not incorporate that same logic into other learning/book/congregating areas?