About me

This is my first post for the blog I created for #hyperlib Learning Community Sites. (Not to be confused with the blog I created last semester, which will apparently absorb this new blog’s posts later?)

Good afternoon from Italy, where I’m spending a week with my family in between our annual summer migration from Delhi to Seattle. (For more on my Carmen Sandiego-esque traveling tendencies, please visit last semester’s blog post on “Who Is Nicole?“) I chose this course because I quite enjoyed Michael Stephens’ lectures for INFO 200, and the topic seems relevant for any field within library and information science.

As a mid-career professional exploring a new career path through this master’s degree program, I’m not yet sure whether I am most interested in working in academic libraries, special libraries, or something else. Regardless of the type of institution, I’m leaning towards outreach librarianship or some kind of communications leadership position, building on my extroverted nature and my skills/experience in journalism and nonprofit communications. I look forward to learning more and figuring it out along the way, including as a first-time attendee at the ALA conference later this month. Let me know if you’ll be there, too!

Best regards,


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4 Responses

  1. Katie says:

    Hi Nicole! I took a peek at your other blog post, and I have a lot of respect for you completing a degree on top of all the travel and different organizations you work with. That takes some first-class multitasking and time management skills. I look forward to seeing your reflections during this course with all the different experiences you have to draw from!

    If you are interested in outreach, I recommend taking any of Kimberli Buckley’s classes, especially Info 281 Serving Homeless Patrons at the Public Library. While the focus is on services and outreach for the homeless, I felt a lot could be applied to general outreach.

  2. @nicole287 Hello! Seattle is one of my favorite places and Italy is on the travel list for sure. Thanks for your kind words about my 200 lectures.

    Please use this class and its assignments to explore the various environments you are interested in.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

    • Nicole says:

      Thanks! I’m feeling a bit of a learning curve with this class already (this is only my second semester), so please don’t hesitate to remind me/us about upcoming deadlines or any missing responses.

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