
Hello, my name is Millicent and I currently reside in Mississippi. I chose this course to acquaint myself more with tech in the library and possible ideas to bring into my own library, or a future library I work for. I am excited to get to know more people in the librarian community and share ideas. My chosen area of interest in the LIS world is academic librarianship. I love to help others with research and also analyzing collections to find the best ways to reach users and provide them with what they need.

As for my personal life, I am a very introverted person that likes to read, watch movies, and write. It’s kind of funny because both of my jobs are pretty social and front facing with the community, but they have helped me bust out of my shell more and meet more people.

I enjoy horror anything and I love to be frightened. It gives me a rush and oddly helps with my anxiety. I also love to travel and experience new things, whatever they may be. I am not a picky person and I usually will try anything once.

I can’t wait to get to know you all more and to learn as much as I possibly can throughout this class.

Here are some pictures:

1. a recent dish I cooked that was DELICIOUS

2. a pic from a recent trip I took to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum

3. a pic from a recent stay at The Lore Village, which was SO magical

4. a selfie with my recent hair switch to red tones

9 thoughts on “Introduction”

    1. If we are talking new movies, then I thought Longlegs was pretty great. A lot of people didn’t like it because it wasn’t full of jump scares and cheap thrills, but I liked the psychological horror aspect of it. As for an older film, one of my favorites is definitely Rosemary’s Baby. I just rewatched it and it truly stands the test of time. I’m actually going to see Alien: Romulus tonight and am very excited, as it looks pretty spooky!

  1. @inabookbind Thanks for sharing your background. I am introverted as well. 😀

    I watched Longlegs Monday night and it is still on my mind. I may watch again because it is so layered and disturbing. Last night I watched Oddity. Good as well. Always looking for good horror suggestions. Big fan of RB. Did you see the prequel is coming?

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

  2. Hi! I also love horror, though I’m still working on the “enjoy being frightened” part of it… I came around kind of late to the genre because jump scares work too well on me and the experience was generally way more stressful than it was worth. Discovering moodier horror films, that were more about a disturbing vibe than actual scares, is what really made me fall in the love with the genre. Now I think they’re some of the best/most interesting films around. I also totally get how they help with anxiety. That’s the beauty of art!

    1. @louis That’s pretty interesting that the jump scares can make you stressed sometimes, as it can do the opposite for me and make me get out of my head. I do get super stressed in certain horror movie scenarios though, like underwater scenes or claustrophobic situations (caves, elevators, etc.) – but they kind of make me face my own fears sometimes.

  3. Millicent, I love that you find the positive in how your role takes you outside of your comfort zone and being introverted. Do you find that you come home some days really exhausted from the interactions? I am a 50/50 mix of introverted/extroverted and sometimes I just want to go home and curl up with my book and talk to no one. 🙂

    I am definitely not a fan of horror. Any sort of suspensful or scary part of a movie, I have to get up and move. I absolutely cannot sit there and “take it!.”

    You’re pictures of Lore Village are amazing and make me want to visit! And I love the red hair. I would love to try red again but I have more gray hair now and I’m afraid of the upkeep.


    1. @saraschwan – I absolutely feel like that all of the time! Most of my work involves socializing and talking to others, while I do enjoy it and feel that it helps me grow, I do need my time afterward at home to reboot. Much of my free time is spent alone or with one other person. Like you, one of my favorite things is to just be alone and read a book (especially on a rainy day).

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