Hello INFO 287!

This Semester: I chose this course because I'm interested in looking deeper at how technology is being used in libraries and how that use changing and evolving. I'm most excited for the opportunity to hear everyone else's thoughts and experiences and learn from each other throughout the semester. I find many aspects of LIS interesting but my main interest is the human aspect of libraries, both the staff and the patrons we work with. My Experience: I have always loved libraries and spent most of my time either at my school or public library. I even spent much of my time in elementary school helping out in my school library. So it made sense for me to work at a library too. Throughout my undergrad education, I worked as a student worker at my community college’s and university’s libraries. After taking about a year off and starting my Library Page job at a public library, I decided to finally start pursuing my MLIS. More About Me: I’ve been creating digital art since 2016. I love watching horror movies and am always open to giving or receiving recommendations. I always love to recommend Idle Hands (1999) and House (1977) I got into Dungeons and Dragons a few years ago and for the past few months have helped run a D&D program at my public library. And I like Musicals, Youtube Video Essays, and K-Pop.

This was made using the Blue and Orange Retro How to Find Happiness Poster template by Firstyline on Canva.


  1. Carly Scarberry

    Hi Cassie,
    This is a great visual. You are definitely talented. My husband is a huge horror fan, too. His tastes run toward the 1980’s but I will recommend those titles to him.

    Sorry if this is an obtuse question but I ask because they are so cute. Did you draw/design the creatures or were the open source?
    Have a great week,

    • Cassie Casillas

      Hi Carly,

      I’m definitely a fan of 80’s horror too, especially ones like Killer Klowns from Outer Space or the Creepshow series! Both of the movies I recommended are on the campier side if he enjoys that kind of thing.

      Also great question because I forgot to put it in the post but the visual and the drawings are all a template from Canva made by Firstyline

      • jcwest

        Killer Klowns and Creepshow are so great! Big horror fan too. I loved all the Chuckie movies and have just started the TV show which is a lot of fun.

        • Cassie Casillas

          The Chucky movies are so good! Especially Bride and Seed. I’ve been meaning to watch the show for forever now but I keep forgetting to add it to my watchlist.

      • Carly Scarberry

        I just remembered to share these titles with my husband. He immediately wrote them down. Thanks again,

  2. Alana Otis

    Hi Cassie,

    Love seeing your blog as an infographic style. Canva is a great tool! If you haven’t already, especially if you have a free Canva account, you may want to check out Adobe Express, as we have paid accounts through SJSU. It’s a very similar interface to Canva.

    The D&D program sounds amazing. It’s always nice to be able to bring your personal passions to library work. What age group is the program aimed for?

    • Cassie Casillas

      Hey Alana,

      I will definitely check that out; I didn’t know we had that!

      The program was originally intended for ages 10-18 but our players currently range from 2nd to 6th grade (mostly 4th graders). Ideally if this maintains well we’d also like to start an adult version.

  3. Michael Stephens

    @grimaries I love that you mention the human aspect of the profession., That is what this class is all about!

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

  4. Jennifer Crain

    Love the infographic you made in Canva! I really need to play around with that more.

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