Introduction to Myself

Hi there! And thanks for visiting my blog.

I’m Frenchie and I’m in my second year of the MLIS Program with a goal of graduating in Spring 2025. I currently work as a high sch

ool librarian here in the East Bay Area, and I absolutely love my job. While I’ve learned working as an educator will always provide challenges, it’s also so extremely rewarding. I love being a librarian because it combines most of my passions such as teaching, reading, advocating, building community, research, and waking up everyday knowing I get to be creative. Libraries were a major space of support for me growing up, and I am excited each day to in turn do that for my students and community.

I am excited for this class a lot because I am passionate in advocating on behalf of the way libraries must always be evolving. I’ve seen the libraries of my childhood transform and evolve into less of silent/strict collection spaces to collaborative and creative community spaces – alongside the innovative implements of technological advances. That felt like a complic

ated explanation, but I am thrilled to be in the MLIS program where I can explore how to unpack that and implement it in my own practices.

Besides librarianship, one of my biggest passions is horror. I appreciate that many works of literature or films in the horror genre use horrific elements to make commentary and explore deeper social issues in creative and effective ways. Even though Halloween is once a year, it is always Hallo

ween in my mind. My students and I transform the library into a haunted house every year, last year’s theme being “Stephen King’s Library of Horrors”, and a lot of them are consistently reading horror books too, largely because the YA horror scene is alive and thriving with so much diversity, representation, and new takes!

Looking forward to the class and thanks for taking the time to read.




  1. jcwest

    Hi Frenchie, I feel the same about libraries being a large support to me growing up too and I want to help create spaces like for young people now too. I love horror as well but have a lot to catch up on with current horror films and books. I do love the new Chucky Series, mostly because of Jennifer Tilly if I’m honest, but the young actors are great. I’m almost done with my program so I’ll need to just start making lists of things to catch up on. Also, great Velma look, she’s such an icon.

  2. Michael Stephens

    @frenchie123 I will hone in on your horror, fandom and tell you I love the idea of the Stephen King focused library. What fun that must’ve been! I am always in search of a good scary film our story.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

  3. Carly Scarberry

    You’re an awesome Velma!

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