Hello and thanks for visiting my blog!

I’m Frenchie (he/they) and I am a high school librarian in the East San Francisco Bay Area & have a year left of my MLIS degree. Excited to be here, learn from, and share with my classmates about the ever-changing world of libraries & what that means for library professionals. Read my intro post to learn more about me.

“Truth was messy. The natural order of an entropic universe was to tend toward it.” ― Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts

And Unkindness of Ghosts was one of my favorite reads this year by non-binary author Rivers Solomon. It’s a combination of science fiction and dystopian, a genre I don’t usually read but ferverently enjoyed.

Check out my GoodReads here!

Check out For Spooky & Queer Teens – a blog I made for a different class that is full of fun media recs!