Hello, everyone!

My name is Alice Nin, and I’m excited to dive into this class with you all! I currently live in Boston, Massachusetts, though I grew up just south of San Jose. I work as a library assistant at the small but busy Roslindale branch of the Boston Public Library, and I hope to continue working in public libraries throughout my career.

I chose this course because it seems to get into ways we can make our future home libraries great, while staying focused on what I’ve always felt to be the core of libraries — public service and community. When you come at libraries from such a values-driven angle, it’s easier to imagine new and wonderful things we can do with the resources we have at our disposal.

I’m looking forward to exploring new things with everyone this semester!

2 thoughts on “Hello, everyone!”

  1. Hi Alice-
    I grew up in Boston and live on the North Shore now. I miss the city but get to spend time visiting friends who still live there though.

    I’m a bit jealous that you work for the BPL. I always imagined I would work in one of the branches…but that is most likely not my path.

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