This module has my brain going a mile a minute!! I feel so energized about community access and care in libraries.
This week was the first library program I’ve ever facilitated, a Narcan Training hosted by MCAVHN, a local harm reduction non-profit that “provides services and supports to persons affected by substance use disorders and behavioral health conditions.” The idea for this program came from a friend of mine who was supported by MCAVHN when they were going through recovery. My library already has a partnership with MCAVHN, they have been supplying hygiene kits, period kits, Narcan and safe sex supplies for our Little Free Pantry we have outside the library.
This module inspired me to chat with the MCAVHN Program Director since he was in the library for the program. I asked him what services or programs he wished MCAVHN had resources or time for that the library might be able to support. He said a resume workshop would be really helpful for their participants and that MCAVHN has two drop in programs where participants hang out and make crafts/cook, etc and it would be a great time for library staff to come visit and talk to the patrons about what they would like to see in the library. I am excited about getting to build relationships and get feedback from community members that my library doesn’t currently do outreach with. We have 10 Chromebooks for in-library use and it would be awesome to use those for a resume workshop, the workshop could be at MCAVHN or at the library or both! I think bringing library staff & resources to the populations we want to serve is a great way to connect with the community and a good equity practice.
The Little Free Pantry at the Ukiah Library & the Flyer for the Narcan Training