
Hello everyone!
Welcome to my blog. 

My name is Brianna (technically Brianne) but please feel free to call me Brie. Yes like the cheese. At least it’s easy to remember.

I chose this course because I’ve heard good things and it felt up my alley. I feel like it’s important to go into the field as up to date with current standards and technology as possible. If nothing else it also makes me feel more confident in what I have to offer as a librarian. I will be taking this course along side digitizing and my e-portfolio. Busy busy.

That said, I’m interested in a few different areas under the MLIS umbrella. I really like archival work so that’s a possible avenue although I’ve heard it’s popular and hard to break into. I also like cataloguing and I’ve been told I’d make a great reference librarian, so we’ll see where I end up. I don’t live in a small city by any means but I also don’t live in the major hubs of California, so I think my job is going to depend on what’s here when I finish my masters-which will happen this summer!(fingers crossed)

A little more about me. I like to read (a LOT), play video games, listen to podcasts, goof off with friends, and casually study anything that interests me. One particular thing I’m interested in is horse populations. I like to follow a few HMAs (herd management areas) and I find coat genetics fascinating. It does mean you become hyper aware of people using images that don’t quite work and/or you can pick out false claims pretty fast. 

For example, these are images from Misty’s Heaven which is a fansite for Misty of Chincoteague (remember those books?). Supposedly this is her possible half sibling named King.

However, if you know what you’re looking for it’s clear these are two different animals. The one on the left is a Grey (which for horses means he’s got a modifier that makes his coat fade to white over time) while the one on the right is a Cremello (meaning this animal carries two copies of the cream gene). You can see the darker points on the face (muzzle, eyes) on the left, which is our hint that despite the poor quality of the image it’s not the same animal as the photo on the right, where you can see there are no dark points on the face. Even the eye is pale. That tells you it’s a horse showing double cream genes. Based on the info on the website it’s just a mistake but it makes the credibility of the claims even less stable.

So that’s basically the kind of leaps my brain is doing at any given moment.

I don’t have a photo of myself to share as a closer but how about a fun video related to one of my favorite movies!


2 thoughts on “Introduction”

  1. Hi Brie! I think I read about every horse book I could find as a pre-teen and Misty was definitely in there. 🙂 I don’t know about coat color genetics at all. That’s the most fascinating sleuthing tool I’ve read about yet. My school has an Arabian Horse Center as well as the W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Library, so I’m going to ask them for more info. Thanks for this new rabbit hole! –Ping

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