User-Centered Services and UX in Library 2.0

(Susan Greig, 2018)

There is a chance that if you are reading this post, you are or have somehow been involved with a library. The odds also lean toward that library being in some form of existence today. Even with a finicky economy and winnowing budgets, if this is not the case, perhaps the reason lies with the library not evolving into the 21st century. This would occur by library staff, and their government entities anticipating and providing what their patrons need and want. So what is Library 2.0and how do we get there? A part of providing user-centered services would be to look at the user experience (UX) of a library’s current services and fill in any missing gaps by improving or adding to them. Wikipedia gives a simplified, starting definition of UX, explaining that it is how a person engages and “experiences a product, system, or service”  (2024).

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

According to the American Library Association, the concept of Library 2.0 draws from the concept of Web 2.0, and strives to keep pace with technology, by incorporating it into services that the public wants and is looking for (n.d). However, this techology is constantly chaging and can be very expensive to own which is a challenge many libraries face, especially publicall funded ones.

The facts of limited information space funds, and employees, with an ever-growing demand for desired taxpayer services, compounds with the problem of attracting users. More importantly how to appeal to non-users of information spaces, known by Casey & Savastinuk as the Long Tail (2007). A suggestion for a successful library would incorporate the three c’s: collaboration, cooperation, and crowdsourcing. Collaboration and cooperation are closely related. Cooperation related to a successful relationship between the information space and those who are supporting it, mainly the stakeholders. In cooperation, there has to be an even “give and take”. However, collaboration can extend to those who utilize the space and these users can help envision what an updated library looks like by crowdsourcing. This can occur in the form of a makerspace program or an advisory committee, where members of the public are invited to give feedback.

Crowdsoucing is a form of collaboration and is defined as, “practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community” rather than more traditional methods by employees (Public Libraries Online, 2015). Crowdsoucing is a way to stretch funds and it also gets the public involved. They can obtain some ownership and help create and organize the kind of information they want to see. This can include rating materials in an online catalog or tagging. Tagging is a form of structuring, or organizing data (Casey, 2007). This can also save on library staff and their time where a guessing game doesn’t have to be played as to how the user would label it.

In learning more about tailoring library services toward the user, and the UX, it has been reinforced how important this action is for library staff to support (including management). At least in the case of public libraries, user suppot is what “makes the library world go round” and it makes logical sense that we would want to give them what they are wanting from their library. Yes, budgets can be limited, and there can be other as convenient was to get that source, but it is also about the people, the creativity, and the service.

American Library Association. (n.d.). Library 2.0.

Casey, M. E. & Savastinuk, L. C. (2007). Library 2.0: A guide to participatory library service. Information Today, Inc.

Public Libraries Online. (2015). Five reasons to crowdsource the library.

User experience. (2024, September 14). In Wikipedia.

More Introduction

I finally found the due date (tonight), in learning to navigate this course, for our first INFO 287 post! Here is a little more about me:


I have been working in public library circulation since I was 20 years old and I have about a year left in the MLIS program (I’ve taken the “slow, but steady” approach since Fall’22). What I love most about this type of public service is the different kinds of tasks you can do in any one shift and, of course, helping people get the information and materials they need, or desire! I am also really excited to graduate next fall!!! I am at that close, but not too close point, which can cause some anxiety, lol!


When I not working at school, or working at the library, one can find me (not a big surprise) reading or watching the next popular t.v. show or movie, More active pursuits include going to the gym or, recently this summer, getting reacquainted with paddleboarding. Right now, I do different activities, both sedintary and active, with the furry “love of my life”, my pug, Darcy. She is actually the first pug I’ve had (since 8 years old) that doesn’t absolutely hate water. She will play a bit with the waves in the ocean! I also love going to escape rooms and solving mystery boxes.

Looking forward to chatting and learning with you all!

AdriAnne (or “Adri)

Hello world!

Hello INFO 287 instructor and fellow students! This first post is not going to be as polished as many you see, mainly because I haven’t used WordPress, since taking a MLIS core class at the beginning of my degree. I’m both excited and apprehensive about learning about technology, especially library technology, but I wanted to be more skilled with it due to my public library job and the fact that I am not naturally as technologically oriented as others. Even though I am nervous about being able to understand newer library technologies, in a thorough capacity, I do find interest in the ways that libraries use those technologies to provide amazing patron service! I’m looking forward to discussing and leaning with everyone!

Best of learning,


AdriAnne (or “Adri”)