Intro to Kim!

Hello! My name is Kimberly Lambert. I also go by Kim. I live in Solano County California. I currently work part time in retail. Hopefully by next year I can start looking for work more related to working in libraries, so any tips are appreciated. My educational background consists of a Bachelor of Arts in History and a minor in East Asian Studies that from UC Daivs, California in 2021. I took a gap year to earn some job experience, and then last year I decided to go back to school to get my master here in SJSU for my MLIS I’m taking this MLIS program slowly and I plan to finish it in Fall 2025. This is my only summer class but I’m taking a coursera course that I plan to finish during the Summer (while also completing one per semester maybe or at least two more course.) I have always liked library but it was not in till high school and college did I see how important they are to others from students to everyday people. In high school libraries proved my spaces to do homework but also a safe place when I was going through a difficult time mentally.  In college libraries had more serves that I did not know they proved from a place to do homework to the access to many different books and articles online.

SushiSome things have do in my off time are reading from translated that are online, to manga (including manhwa manhua), historical fiction, textbooks from past classes and light novels (currently waiting on a book right now).  When reading I prefer physical books rather than books on an e-reader. Though having an e-reader is handy as it saves up book space and is less expensive.  When it comes to physical books, I prefer hardback to softback though I will get a softback version of the same book as I don’t want to ruin the hardback book. Other hobbies I enjoy are gardening I have lemon tree that I grow from a seed and this year it had one flower and a lemon growing but that lemon did not make it ☹. Thou the lemon tree proved that it could produce fruit. Also, I have an Aloe plant that came in handy when I got sunburned. To the side is a pic of my aloe plant  In my spare time I like playing video games on my Nintendo Switch, sleeping in on the days I don’t work, listening to instrumental video game music, taking photos from food to plants, cooking/ baking (below are some of of the foods I have made) or browsing the internet.
