
Hello everyone!

My name is Cathy and I’m in my second-to-last semester at SJSU. If all goes well (fingers crossed), I should be done with this program by December. I’m from Queens, New York but I’ve been living in the Boston area since 2018. I work at a public library (I’m introduced as one of the two Children’s Librarians at my branch, but I’m technically an assistant). This is my second public library job – I was part-time at a nearby library for what felt like a really long time. I loved the job, but desperately needed a full time job, and I’m so grateful to finally have one. Both of my jobs have made me feel pretty confident that I want to remain in public libraries. I love engaging with patrons and feeling like I’m a part of and contribute to a community.

I chose to sign up for this class because it’s probably the most recommended course in the Facebook group I’m in for class recommendations. I love hearing about innovations, and what’s happening at libraries around the country and world. I try to go to every library conference I can (so far I’ve been to four!) because getting to hear from library professionals who work in totally different environments is fascinating and helpful. Also, I confess that I currently feel pretty resistant towards AI and ChatGPT, and this course might force me to engage with that reality on some level.

Lastly, some hobbies: my favorite things to do are probably reading and watching movies. The pandemic was (is?) obviously mostly awful, but I’m grateful that all that time at home ignited a love for film, especially older movies, that I didn’t previously have. A recent favorite, What a Way to Go, starring Shirley MacLaine! Currently streaming on Criterion.

Thanks for reading. I’m really looking forward to engaging with everyone this semester.


One thought on “Introduction”

  1. @messca13 I am a big fan of older movies. How cool you have Criterion. I have looked at it but we have so many streamers right now!

    I have felt a bit of the same about AI. I think as we have more discussions about what it means for librarianship and humans in general it will become more clear what we should do.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

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