Introduction Entry


My name is Lorraine and this will be my second semester here at San Jose State University’s MLIS program. Prior to SJSU, I graduated from Sonoma State University where I earned a BA in English Literature. My favorite writers include John Keats, Christina Rossetti, James Baldwin, and Haruki Murakami. I aspire to become an academic librarian where I will aid scholars in their research and work with instructors to best support their students. I enrolled in this course because I have faith that it will introduce me to the most helpful tools I can use in my future career. While all these emerging technologies can be overwhelming, I don’t want to shy away from them! We have a responsibility to be aware of the technologies that can either harm or support our patrons of all identities. Overall, I am excited to learn more and develop my knowledge of the current state of the evolving LIS field.

I look forward to collaborating with you all!

One thought on “Introduction Entry”

  1. @lorraine5and I am happy to read about your aspirations toward academic librarianship. Please feel free to focus your assignments on that aspect of the field if you would like. I really appreciate your approach to technology as well.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

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