
Greetings INFO287 Community,

As much as I’d like to ***breathe*** it’s a bit challenging under the weight of three summer classes, whilst not yet ending a school year teaching. Just need to get through the rest of this week and can breathe a little deeper.

My name is Ashley West, thus my site name “Library Ouest” – I always loved the French spelling of West. The site icon is…well me. The background image is a painting by Hilma af Klint, a pioneer of abstract painting from Sweden. I like to ground myself in imagery, it helps inspire my words.

This class is of interest to me as an educator because I’ve found that hyperlinking documents into my slide decks and documents have saved me the hassle of searching in a Drive, have made it easier for students/teachers/admin to access materials. I look forward to learning more from this course and community.

This weekend I’m actually traveling to Yellowstone with my sister! It will be my first time in Montana and I look forward to the hot springs in between discussion posts.

Cheers! — Ash

9 thoughts on “Introduction”

  1. Hi Ashley,
    What other classes are you taking this summer? I took three classes last summer and yes it was a lot of work but I am really glad that I did it.
    What school district do you work in?
    Nice to meet you,

    1. Hi Carly! I am also taking INFO 284, a photo preservation class and INFO 285, the Applied Research Methods course. I’m glad to hear you got through last summer in one piece! Are you taking many classes this summer?

      I work in Oakland Unified, I really enjoy the school I work for.

      Nice to meet you too! Best of luck this summer 🙂

      1. You can do it! I am in 4 other courses (5 total), including a section of 285 (do you have Jefferson?). Yes, I agree with you about making technology easier…. taught kindergarten during the pandemic and was quite the experience, among other things!

        1. Wow to 5 courses and to teaching kinder during the pandemic. Wild! Best of luck this summer, you got this! 🙂
          I don’t have Jefferson, I’m in Luo’s section. Hoping it all goes well.

      2. Hi Ashley,
        I am only taking one other class this summer, Early Literacy – Storytelling and Storytime themed.
        I took 285 during Fall 2023, it was a lot of work but I learned so much.

  2. Hi Ashley,
    I am also taking three courses this summer semester, which is the first time I have ever taken a heavy load. Today, like you, I had to remember to tell myself to take a big breath because I realized how overwhelmed I was beginning to get this first week of school. But hopefully, we all can get through this summer with hard work and success. 😊

    Enjoy your vacation in Yellowstone! And I am really loving the background of your blog post.

  3. @ayeouest I hope all three of your classes go very well. As I have said in the videos in chat, please make this class work in the best way it can for you and your other class and life obligations.

    Yellowstone is absolutely magical. Enjoy.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

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