Intro Post
Hello All,
My name is Kazuko and I am in my second semester. I am currently a library aide. I work in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area). I am looking forward to taking elective courses this semester. I am excited to learn about emerging technologies in libraries. INFO 200 opened my eyes to all the resources and tools libraries have to offer as innovative community spaces.
I love working on special projects at my library. So many projects I do are for children, and I love using my creativity to educate and inspire them. I would love to work in Youth Services because I am passionate about helping children. My favorite programs I have worked on so far are our Gingerbread Workshop and Afrofuturism Month.
In my free time, I love baking and playing horror video games with my boyfriend. I also enjoy going on walks with my mom and trying new eateries with friends.
I am excited to make new friends so please reach out! If you are from the Bay Area, I would love to meet up!
One Comment
Michael Stephens
@kazuko Glad to read about your background and I think it’s super cool. You want to work in youth services. Please feel free to focus your assignments on serving that population and that type of library service if that is of interest.
Yay for spooky games!
Welcome to #hyperlib!