My Introduction

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog, what I hope will become a cozy and comfy little corner of the internet. 🙂

My name is Gwen, I use they/them pronouns, and I am currently 27 years old. I live in the San Jose area and have most of my professional and academic experience in social sciences. I plan to become a college level social sciences librarian, and I’m hoping that this course will bring me another step closer to successfully achieving my goal!

This course interested me before the term started, and I’m even more interested now that we’ve begun! All my other MLIS classes have primarily used Canvas, so this is a very refreshing change of pace. I find myself learning so much about libraries and information science with every class that I take, and I imagine this course will follow the same pattern. I’m used to learning how to navigate new aspects of the internet and online environments (especially in the context of our rapidly changing and developing technological world), so I’m starting off this term with an open mind! The more opportunities I have to explore and learn new ways of libraries and librarianship, the better prepared I’ll be to serve my future library populations.

I’m excited to learn and grow with you all over the course of this term! Please feel free to send me a friend request and/or reach out if you want to chat at all. 🙂 I’m not only passionate about libraries, although I do love them! My other passions include hiking, video games, trashy reality tv, neuroscience, social activism, and my cats. 🙂

2 thoughts on “My Introduction”

  1. Hi Gwen! Nice to (virtually) meet you. I’m also taking this class for the same reasons you listed. I feel like every class I’ve taken so far has prepared me well for what types of library jobs I may take up in the future, and I feel this class will do the same. I’m also interested in working in college level libraries. I love video games too.

  2. @gwenss Yay for an open mind! I’m glad you like the fact that we are not using canvas. One thing you can do in class is focus all of the assignments on the type of information environment. You would like to be working in so if you want to comment everything from a social sciences point of view in the academic library, that is just fine.

    Welcome to #hyperlib!

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